Izohome Insulation?
Izohome insulation? : Izohome insulation has a lightweight and highly resistant fiber structure with insulating properties. Insulation should be soft and light, it should also have physical properties. Due to the polyester fibers and utilization of nanotechnology, this product can be a good thermal, sound, and moisture insulation as well as reinforcement for buildings, so that all four abovementioned advantages can be achieved with this one product.

1- Sound, Thermal, and Moisture Insulation and Reinforcement
2- Fireproof, Fire-Retardant, and Non-flammable
3- No Skin and Respiratory Allergies
4- Antibacterial
5- Resistant to Insects and Rodents
6- Resistant to Wear and Abrasion
7- Resistant to Direct Sunlight
8- Resistant in Soil and Water Environments
9- Lightweight and Easy to Carry and Install
10- Resistant to Any Acid
11- Health Certificate Holder
12- Compatible with any Mortar
13- Breathability 14- Durable
15- Recyclable
16- Applicable in Different Industries